The Perfect Concoction Of Classic Cars And Cocktails

Stylish, powerful, and smooth. These words describe both classic cars and a great cocktail. A classic car on the road will always turn heads and get nods of appreciation. A classic cocktail also transports you and your friends. A person who owns a classic car has the respect and admiration of others, as does a person who can mix the perfect classic cocktail.
You Will Discover How To:
- Appreciate that many classic cars and cocktails share the same name
- Identify classic cars from their unique features
- Compare the cost of classic cars when new to today’s prices
- Mix cocktails to impress your family and friends
- Fit the drink to the glass and vice versa for proper presentation
- Stock your home bar for any request
- Garnish the right way, like a hood ornament garnishes a car
One of Russell R. Trahan’s earliest memories is riding in the rumble seat of his grandfather’s 1929 Chrysler Roadster, which made his mother very nervous. While Russell appreciates the beauty of a classic car, he has no idea how to fix the engine. What he can fix is a great cocktail. Cocktails have always been a part of celebrations and toasting good times. Russell hopes this book will become a part of your future good times.
Buy this book and you’ll have so much trivia about classic cars and cocktails you’ll drive your friends to drink.
One for the Road Blog
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